Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday 5/31/2011

Warmup: 4x6x Deadlift, Powerclean, Front Squat (75,95, 115, 135)
                - got 5 rounds unbroken for 135 hangclean, major unplanned PR

Work Capacity:  6 rounds: 1 min. max effort each exercise, 1 min. rest after round:
                                   - 1 min. Deadlift (95#)
                                   - 1 min. Hang Clean (95#)
                                   - 1 min. Front Squat (95#)

Body: Felt good during this, the workout was a grip killer, which was my limiting factor.  Front Squats are really hard, had a lot of trouble during them, not sure if this has always been the case and I just haven't noticed, or if I am pysching myself out
Food: OK, started work today so had to juggle with eating enough
Sleep: 6-7 hours
Notes:  Really happy with the "warmup".  Got about 5 reps on clean at 135.  The work capacity was a killer, grip killer, which was my limiting factor.  Going for a run tomorrow, holding my breath.

My sophomore lifting goals: 8 x 135 of (Benchpress, Deadlift, Front/Back Squat, Clean, Push Jerk, Push Press).  Think I got them all except for the press and thruster (anything with a press really).  I might be able to get 8 reps of Push Jerk, although with my 1RM being 155, not sure.  However I got 5 with difficulty last week, so...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday 5/30/2011

Warmup: ROM drills

Strength: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Front Squat (No PR)
135-145-155-165-176- 2RM 185    

Session 1:   For time:   - 100 DB swings (55#)
                                   - 40 DB snatches (45#)
- O/H squat practice w/ bar

Session 2:    For Time:  - 30 HSPU
                                    - 30 burpees
                                    - 30 seconds Front Lever
                                    - 40 squats
                                    - 100 step walking lunges

Running: 1 mile run w/ boots and cammies
          - first run in 2 weeks, made this mistake of doing it at 3:00 PM.  Had to stop midway to cool off

Sleep: 8 hours
Food: not enough quantity, quality poor
Body: Wasn't feeling the Front Squat today, form got shoddy and core seemed to be the weak point.  The run was hell due to the mistake of running in the afternoon in boots and cammies.  No shin splints which is a relief, but mild tightness in left calf
Notes: Need to put some work into the O/H squats.  My shoulder flexibility is lacking, which prevents me from positioning the bar behind my ears... cause of this my form goes to hell and the bar comes forward.  Also, the run was poor and had to stop due to the heat, didn't want to risk anything, sweatin bullets and feet were on fire.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sat 5/29/2011

Warmup: ROM drills/ rotator cuff exercises

Strength Session 1: Push Jerk
8x 95, 5x 115, 4x135, 2x145, Fail at 165, 1x 155, Fail at 160

Strength Session 2: Back Squat
5x3x (135, 145, 155, 165, 185)

WC: For time, with 20# weight vest, boots and camo pants (25:50)
                                                           - 50 pullups
                                                           - 75 pushups
                                                           - 100 squats
                                                         (2 min. rest)
                                                           - 100 squats
                                                           - 75 pushups
                                                           - 50 pullups
Body: shoulders still feel "clickly" at the bottom of the deadhang on pullups/ lightheaded after WC, prob a bit dehydrated
Sleep: 10 hours
Food: fine, not enough vegetables
Notes: Obviously my form is seriously wrong on the push-jerks.  My push-jerk 1RM is currently 155#, equal to my Thruster and Pushpress, when statistically, it should be around 180#.  SO... need to get the form down on this exercise.  Back squats are fine, decent for having just started parallel/below parallel a two months ago.
The WC was difficult, I was not hydrated enough.  Will take some adjustment to my new boots, as well as working out in Miami heat while wearing the camo pants and boots.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday 5/27/2011

- 2 hour ruck w 45# bag (a little under 8 miles in boots)


Body: legs sore, upper calves sore, left hip flared up on the way back

Food: ok, too much sweets

Sleep: 10 hours

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday 5/24/2011

Warmup: ROM drills, pullups/ pushups,

Gymnastic work: Planche, F-lever

WC:        -100 pullups (as few sets as possible)
               - 50 Hand Stand Pushups
               - 100 pushups


Body: felt fine, shoulders sore, esp. at dead-hang of the pullups
Food: long time gap between meals, started GOMAD today, see if I can put on some buffer pounds before OCS
Sleep: 10 hours

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday 5/23/2011


Warmup: Rotator cuff ex. (db + cable)/ 21-15-9 Squats, Pushups

WC:  6 rounds AFAP:    50 squats
                                      30 dips

Strength: 3RM Thruster
10x 95, 8x95, 6x95, 4x115, 3x 135,

15x 115
400 M DB farmer's carry (60#)

100 situps

Body: good, left knee mildly sore during warmup squats/ pretty tired on the strength portion
Food: OK, not enough veggies in the diet since I've been home
Sleep:  10 hours

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday 5/21/2011

SEALfit Wod

- warmup: Frog Complex (65#-95#)

-Work Capacity: For time:   -21 x thrusters (95#)
                                           -15 towel pullups
                                           - 15 x thrusters (95#)
                                           -9 towel pullups
                                           - 9 x thrusters (95#)
                                           - 6 towel pullups

-Strength: Work to 3rm Deadlift
10x135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 245, 255 PR

Stamina: 10x Deadlift (225#)

- Gymnastics: Back Lever and Front Lever work
                      - work on planche